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Naomi Naughton, 26


Living; UK

Studying; Life

Blogging; Naturopathy

Sharing; Nutritious foods

Massaging; Aromatherapy

Travelling whenever possible

Raising a loved child #lovemylillb






A Tribute to the OG Momma J – 1953 - 2017


From as early as I can remember, my mother always had a special love for her garden. She loved nature and had a level of respect for natural alternative remedies. Although she was born in the winter, her favorite time of the year was spring. She loved being outside, tending to her garden, sowing her seeds, planting her flowers, pruning her herbs and germinating her veggies.  She would always encourage me to be outside with her, absorbing the high energy surrounding us. She would grow whatever she could to help us live a more natural life at home. If I had a bad tummy, she would boil some ginger and lemongrass. If my throat was sore, mom would brew me a special herbal tea. I remember once, I had the wickedest tooth ache, so Momma reached for the oil chest, she withdrew an old, almost empty brown bottle that I later found to be Clove oil. It tasted awful, and had a burn to it, but done the trick! Whatever the ailment Momma had a natural remedy for me or my siblings. From an early age I became conscious that although western medicine can be a great addition to our society. We don’t always need to rush for the extreme, sometimes a simple adjustment of the diet, inclusion of certain herbs, spices and oils would alleviate many symptoms and problems, sometimes completely eradicating them. This is when my respect for holistic living began. My love for holistic life grew stronger upon entering into woman-hood, falling pregnant with my first, and only child and becoming a (young) Momma myself. I sought out helpful natural remedies in several must have books kept in my mothers home library, as well as reading through the many alternative and informative notes that my Mom kept in her journals. Rest In paradise Ma.




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